Axle Shaft Exporters and Suppliers in India

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Axle Shaft Exporter

In Oct-Dec 2015, the total value of exports of Axle Shaft from India to foreign countries was US $ 11.1 Million an increase of 11,058,825 percent from Oct-Dec 2014 with export quantity of 1,271 units.

The Major Buyers of Axle Shaft from India were Turkey where India Exported US $ 2.6 Million worth of Axle Shaft in Oct-Dec 2015 Also,India’s exports to United Kingdom reached US $ 2.2 Million worth of Axle Shaft goods and Axle Shaft Exports to United States Of America had a value that was US $ 1.9 Million worth of Axle Shaft goods from India.

From Oct 2015 till date, Turkey is the largest buyer of Axle Shaft accounting for exports from India worth US $ 2.6 Million followed by United Kingdom where India have Exported Axle Shaft worth US $ 2.2 Million.

There are 2 Exporters that have the maximum shares of Axle Shaft Exports in terms of value in the year 2004, Namely R.l.khanna (gurgaon) with an Export value of US $ 3.7 Million and Eicher International Ltd. with an Export value of US $ 506.2 Thousand.

Major Axle Shaft Buyer Countries -Oct to Dec-2015

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Latest Axle Shaft Export from India

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
31-12-2015 87089900 AUTO PARTS ( REAR AXLE SHAFTS)AXLE SHAFT FINISHED 130758( 520 PCS ) Ludhiana Icd UNITED KINGDOM Glasgow 5980 KGS
31-12-2015 87089900 AUTO PARTS ( REAR AXLE SHAFTS)AXLE SHAFT FINISHED 10006396( 120 PCS) Ludhiana Icd UNITED KINGDOM Glasgow 1738 KGS
31-12-2015 87089900 AUTO PARTS ( REAR AXLE SHAFTS)AXLE SHAFT FINISHED 133963( 720 PCS) Ludhiana Icd UNITED KINGDOM Glasgow 10620 KGS
31-12-2015 87089900 AUTO PARTS - AXLE SHAFT 4472.336.511 (144 PCS) Ludhiana Icd GERMANY Hamburg 2333 KGS
31-12-2015 87089900 AUTO PARTS - AXLE SHAFT 4472.334.012 (36 PCS) Ludhiana Icd GERMANY Hamburg 575 KGS
31-12-2015 87089900 AUTO PARTS - AXLE SHAFT 4472.336.425 (1000 PCS) Ludhiana Icd GERMANY Hamburg 2000 KGS
31-12-2015 87089900 AUTO PARTS - AXLE SHAFT 4472.336.427 (500 PCS) Ludhiana Icd GERMANY Hamburg 4700 KGS
31-12-2015 87089900 AUTO PARTS - AXLE SHAFT 4472.336.430 (100 PCS) Ludhiana Icd GERMANY Hamburg 1050 KGS
31-12-2015 87089900 AUTO PARTS - AXLE SHAFT 4472.336.438 (100 PCS) Ludhiana Icd GERMANY Hamburg 691 KGS
31-12-2015 87089900 AUTO PARTS - AXLE SHAFT 4472.336.439 (278 PCS) Ludhiana Icd GERMANY Hamburg 1390 KGS

India Axle Shaft Exporters Sample Data

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
20-09-2004 84039000 AXLE SHAFT PART NO. 3202F9704 & 3202M97 1 Delhi Air ITALY Milano 6.0 PCS
08-09-2004 86071930 AXLE SHAFT - PART NO: RFC16-4235BA Delhi Air TURKEY Istanbul 15.0 PCS
08-09-2004 86071930 AXLE SHAFT - PART NO: RFC16-4235AA Delhi Air TURKEY Istanbul 15.0 PCS
08-09-2004 86071930 AXLE SHAFT - PART NO: RFC16-4235BA Delhi Air TURKEY Istanbul 15.0 PCS
08-09-2004 86071930 AXLE SHAFT - PART NO: RFC16-4235AA Delhi Air TURKEY Istanbul 15.0 PCS

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
29-06-2004 01011010 REAR AXLE SHAFT Delhi Tkd Icd INDONESIA Tanjung Priok 3000.0 NOS
24-11-2004 01011010 REAR AXLE SHAFT Delhi Tkd Icd INDONESIA Tanjung Priok 3000.0 NOS
17-07-2004 84099949 FRONT/REAR AXLE SHAFT Delhi Tkd Icd INDONESIA Jakarta 3000.0 PCS
21-10-2004 01011010 REAR AXLE SHAFT PART-MB308903 Delhi Tkd Icd INDONESIA Jakarta 1500.0 NOS
21-10-2004 01011010 REAR AXLE SHAFT PART-MB308901 Delhi Tkd Icd INDONESIA Jakarta 1500.0 NOS