Control Valve Exporters and Suppliers in India

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Control Valve Exporter

In Oct-Dec 2015, the total value of exports of Control Valve from India to foreign countries was US $ 29.4 Million an increase of 29,374,900 percent from Oct-Dec 2014 with export quantity of 11,619 units.

The Major Buyers of Control Valve from India were United States Of America where India Exported US $ 3.3 Million worth of Control Valve in Oct-Dec 2015 Also,India’s exports to China reached US $ 3.1 Million worth of Control Valve goods and Control Valve Exports to Japan had a value that was US $ 3.0 Million worth of Control Valve goods from India.

From Oct 2015 till date, United States Of America is the largest buyer of Control Valve accounting for exports from India worth US $ 3.3 Million followed by China where India have Exported Control Valve worth US $ 3.1 Million.

There are 2 Exporters that have the maximum shares of Control Valve Exports in terms of value in the year 2004, Namely R.l.khanna (gurgaon) with an Export value of US $ 1.8 Million and Abb India Limited with an Export value of US $ 94.3 Thousand.

Major Control Valve Buyer Countries -Oct to Dec-2015

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Latest Control Valve Export from India

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
31-12-2015 84818030 18`` CONTROL VALVE Madras Sea VIETNAM Haiphong 1 NOS
31-12-2015 84818030 3`` CONTROL VALVE Madras Sea VIETNAM Haiphong 1 NOS
31-12-2015 84818030 3`` CONTROL VALVE Madras Sea VIETNAM Haiphong 1 NOS
31-12-2015 84818030 1`` CONTROL VALVE Madras Sea VIETNAM Haiphong 1 NOS
31-12-2015 84818030 3" CONTROL VALVE Madras Sea OMAN Sohar 3 NOS
31-12-2015 84818030 6`` CONTROL VALVE Madras Sea VIETNAM Haiphong 1 NOS
31-12-2015 84818030 1`` CONTROL VALVE Madras Sea VIETNAM Haiphong 1 NOS
31-12-2015 84818030 1`` CONTROL VALVE Madras Sea VIETNAM Haiphong 1 NOS
31-12-2015 84818030 3`` CONTROL VALVE Madras Sea VIETNAM Haiphong 1 NOS
31-12-2015 84818030 8`` CONTROL VALVE Madras Sea VIETNAM Haiphong 1 NOS

India Control Valve Exporters Sample Data

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
18-09-2004 85069000 CAPACITY CONTROL VALVE Delhi Air YEMEN Sanaa 4.0 PCS
25-11-2004 84819090 SPARES FOR PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE Bombay Sea AUSTRALIA Dampier 1.0 SET
12-07-2004 73259100 INDUSTRIAL VALVE (CAST BODY)CONTROL VALVE MODEL 88/211244701E/78-45, 1"150RTCF8M Madras Sea SINGAPORE Singapore 1.0 NOS
12-07-2004 73259100 INDUSTRIAL VALVE (CAST BODY)CONTROL VALVE MODEL 87-21124/4701E/78-40S, S"150RF CF8M Madras Sea SINGAPORE Singapore 1.0 NOS
12-07-2004 73259100 INDUSTRIAL VALVE (CAST BODY)CONTROL VALVE MODEL 88-21124/4701E/78-4S, 1.5"600RF WCC Madras Sea SINGAPORE Singapore 1.0 NOS