Copper Flat Exporters and Suppliers in India

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Copper Flat Exporter

In Oct-Dec 2015, the total value of exports of Copper Flat from India to foreign countries was US $ 360.9 Thousand an increase of 360,875 percent from Oct-Dec 2014 with export quantity of 95 units.

The Major Buyers of Copper Flat from India were Sri Lanka where India Exported US $ 80.1 Thousand worth of Copper Flat in Oct-Dec 2015 Also,India’s exports to Nigeria reached US $ 72.4 Thousand worth of Copper Flat goods and Copper Flat Exports to United Arab Emirates had a value that was US $ 51.7 Thousand worth of Copper Flat goods from India.

From Oct 2015 till date, Sri Lanka is the largest buyer of Copper Flat accounting for exports from India worth US $ 80.1 Thousand followed by Nigeria where India have Exported Copper Flat worth US $ 72.4 Thousand.

There are 2 Exporters that have the maximum shares of Copper Flat Exports in terms of value in the year 2004, Namely R.l.khanna (gurgaon) with an Export value of US $ 65.6 Thousand and J.m.satyam International with an Export value of US $ 11.4 Thousand.

Major Copper Flat Buyer Countries -Oct to Dec-2015

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Latest Copper Flat Export from India

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
31-12-2015 74099000 7431810035 COPPER FLAT 10X80 MM Delhi Air SAUDI ARABIA Riyadh 54.8 KGS
31-12-2015 74099000 743215980R COPPER FLAT 10X60 MM Delhi Air SAUDI ARABIA Riyadh 115.95 KGS
30-12-2015 74091900 COPPER FLAT - 50 X 6 X 3MTR Jnpt SAUDI ARABIA Riyadh 20 MTR
30-12-2015 74091900 COPPER FLAT - 100 X 5 X 3MTR Jnpt SAUDI ARABIA Riyadh 10 MTR
30-12-2015 74091900 COPPER FLAT - 100 X 10 X 3MTR Jnpt SAUDI ARABIA Riyadh 20 MTR
29-12-2015 74199940 COPPER FLAT WASHERS .270X.380X.030 Baroda UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Chicago 23.7 KGS
29-12-2015 73269099 HANDICRAFTS OF ST.STEEL/ COPPER FLAT DOTTED BAIL (M) Pakwara-moradabad CANADA Vancouver 208 PCS
28-12-2015 74071030 COPPER FLAT 100 X 12 MM (TOTAL:23 NOS.,23 BUNDLES) SION NORMS: C1185 Ahmedabad Icd BANGLADESH Chittagong .96 MTS
22-12-2015 74071030 COPPER FLAT 25 X 3 MM (150 NOS., 150BUNDLES) SION NORMS: C1185 Ahmedabad Icd OMAN Sohar .9 MTS
22-12-2015 74071030 COPPER FLAT 50 X 6 MM (15 NOS., 2BUNDLES) SION NORMS: C1185 Ahmedabad Icd OMAN Sohar .79 MTS

India Copper Flat Exporters Sample Data

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
11-08-2004 74151000 ARTICLES MADE OF COPPER FLAT HEAD ROUND NAIL SIZE:1 1/4" X 12 BWG. Bombay Sea MAURITIUS Louis 1000.0 KGS
30-11-2004 00000000 ELECTROLYTIC COPPER FLAT ( TINNED ),GREEN CARD NO. KASEZ/541/01-02 DT 11.05.,2001 VALID UPTO 10.05.2 Jnpt UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Jebel Ali 8.0 NOS
03-09-2004 85389000 ELECTROLYTIC COPPER FLAT (TINNED) GREEN CARD NO.KASEZ/541/01-02 DT:11.05.2 001 VALID UPTO 10. Jnpt UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Jebel Ali 16.0 NOS

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
16-04-2004 72052100 COPPER FLAT SHEETS Delhi Air UZBEKISTAN Andizhan 420.0 KGS
13-05-2004 72052100 COPPER FLAT SHEET Delhi Air UZBEKISTAN Andizhan 1216.0 KGS
18-06-2004 72052100 COPPER FLAT SHEET Delhi Air UZBEKISTAN Andizhan 30.0 KGS
25-09-2004 84099113 COPPER FLAT SHEET Delhi Air UZBEKISTAN Andizhan 100.0 KGS
24-08-2004 87089900 COPPER FLAT SHEET 61-314 Delhi Air UZBEKISTAN Andizhan 120.0 KGS