Cut Filter Exporters and Suppliers in India

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Cut Filter Exporter

In Jan-Mar 2015, the total value of exports of Cut Filter from India to foreign countries was US $ 17.8 Thousand an increase of 17,801 percent from Jan-Mar 2014 with export quantity of 57 units.

The Major Buyers of Cut Filter from India were Egypt where India Exported US $ 11.0 Thousand worth of Cut Filter in Jan-Mar 2015 Also,India’s exports to Kenya reached US $ 3.6 Thousand worth of Cut Filter goods and Cut Filter Exports to United Arab Emirates had a value that was US $ 1.9 Thousand worth of Cut Filter goods from India.

From Jan 2015 till date, Egypt is the largest buyer of Cut Filter accounting for exports from India worth US $ 11.0 Thousand followed by Kenya where India have Exported Cut Filter worth US $ 3.6 Thousand.

There are 2 Exporters that have the maximum shares of Cut Filter Exports in terms of value in the year 2004, Namely R.l.khanna (gurgaon) with an Export value of US $ 17.0 Thousand and Micro Inks Ltd. with an Export value of US $ 820.0.

Major Cut Filter Buyer Countries -Jan to Mar-2015

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Latest Cut Filter Export from India

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
29-12-2015 84483210 S S CUT FILTER 74 MM MESH 20 Ahmedabad Air IRAN Tehran 2000 NOS
29-12-2015 84483210 S S CUT FILTER 82 MM MESH 50 Ahmedabad Air IRAN Tehran 2000 NOS
29-12-2015 84483210 S S CUT FILTER 70 MM MESH 50 Ahmedabad Air IRAN Tehran 2000 NOS
29-12-2015 84483210 S S CUT FILTER 64 MM MESH 20 Ahmedabad Air IRAN Tehran 2000 NOS
18-12-2015 84211999 SS CUT FILTER 63 MM MESH 10 Bombay Air INDONESIA Jakarta 1000 NOS
18-12-2015 84211999 SS CUT FILTER 63 MM MESH 20 Bombay Air INDONESIA Jakarta 1000 NOS
18-12-2015 84211999 SS CUT FILTER 68 MM MESH 60 Bombay Air INDONESIA Jakarta 1000 NOS
18-12-2015 84211999 SS CUT FILTER 68 MM MESH 325 Bombay Air INDONESIA Jakarta 1000 NOS
09-12-2015 84483230 S S CUT FILTER 75MM MESH 120*24 Jnpt EGYPT Alexandria 3000 NOS
09-12-2015 84483230 S S CUT FILTER 116MM MESH 50 Jnpt EGYPT Alexandria 15000 NOS

India Cut Filter Exporters Sample Data

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
25-10-2004 84213910 S.S. CUT FILTER 170MM DIA S.S.WIREMESH 14/14 Bombay Sea THAILAND Laem Chabang 4000.0 PCS
25-10-2004 84213910 S.S CUT FILTER 170 MM DIA S.S.WIREMESH 80/80 Bombay Sea THAILAND Laem Chabang 3000.0 PCS