Products Stapler Exporters and Suppliers in India

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Products Stapler Exporter

In Oct-Dec 2015, the total value of exports of Products Stapler from India to foreign countries was US $ 605.3 Thousand an increase of 605,312 percent from Oct-Dec 2014 with export quantity of 176 units.

The Major Buyers of Products Stapler from India were Iran where India Exported US $ 91.9 Thousand worth of Products Stapler in Oct-Dec 2015 Also,India’s exports to Bangladesh reached US $ 72.7 Thousand worth of Products Stapler goods and Products Stapler Exports to Myanmar had a value that was US $ 67.3 Thousand worth of Products Stapler goods from India.

From Oct 2015 till date, Iran is the largest buyer of Products Stapler accounting for exports from India worth US $ 91.9 Thousand followed by Bangladesh where India have Exported Products Stapler worth US $ 72.7 Thousand.

There are 2 Exporters that have the maximum shares of Products Stapler Exports in terms of value in the year 2004, Namely Kanin (india) Ltd. with an Export value of US $ 658.6 Thousand and Technofab Engg Ltd with an Export value of US $ 10.2 Thousand.

Major Products Stapler Buyer Countries -Oct to Dec-2015

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Latest Products Stapler Export from India

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
31-12-2015 84729010 KANEX STATIONERY PRODUCTS STAPLER HD-10ED (METAL MECHANISM) Faridabad Icd IRAN Khorramshahr 24000 PCS
31-12-2015 84729010 KANEX STATIONERY PRODUCTS STAPLER HD-10EW (METAL MECHANISM) Faridabad Icd IRAN Khorramshahr 24000 PCS
31-12-2015 84729010 KANEX STATIONERY PRODUCTS STAPLER HD-45S(METAL MECHANISM) Faridabad Icd IRAN Khorramshahr 12000 PCS
31-12-2015 84729010 KANEX STATIONERY PRODUCTS STAPLER FL-12L20 (STAPLE NO. 23/17 FREE) Faridabad Icd IRAN Khorramshahr 300 PCS
28-12-2015 84729010 OPAL STATIONERY PRODUCTS STAPLER FL-12M24 Faridabad Icd PAKISTAN Karachi 180 PCS
28-12-2015 84729010 OPAL STATIONERY PRODUCTS STAPLER HD-1217(NEW) Faridabad Icd PAKISTAN Karachi 600 PCS
28-12-2015 84729010 OPAL STATIONERY PRODUCTS STAPLER HD-12S17 Faridabad Icd PAKISTAN Karachi 180 PCS
28-12-2015 84729010 OPAL STATIONERY PRODUCTS STAPLER HD-10N Faridabad Icd PAKISTAN Karachi 7200 PCS
28-12-2015 84729010 OPAL STATIONERY PRODUCTS STAPLER MOD-10M Faridabad Icd PAKISTAN Karachi 7200 PCS

India Products Stapler Exporters Sample Data

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
09-11-2004 84729010 SCRIVA STATIONERY PRODUCTS: STAPLER 52130 Delhi Ppg Icd FINLAND Helsinki 720.0 PCS
09-11-2004 84729010 SCRIVA STATIONERY PRODUCTS: STAPLER 52180 Delhi Ppg Icd FINLAND Helsinki 600.0 PCS
09-11-2004 84729010 SCRIVA STATIONERY PRODUCTS: STAPLER 51380 Delhi Ppg Icd FINLAND Helsinki 240.0 PCS
09-11-2004 84729010 KANEX STATIONERY PRODUCTS STAPLER HP-15 Delhi Ppg Icd FRANCE La Talaudiere 3120.0 PCS
09-11-2004 84729010 SCRIVA STATIONERY PRODUCTS: STAPLER 51290 Delhi Ppg Icd FINLAND Helsinki 720.0 PCS

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
21-10-2004 84729010 C-840 ADORO STATIONERY PRODUCTS STAPLER MODEL NO.AGT-1000 Jnpt MALAYSIA Kelang 240.0 PCS