Solar Glass Exporters and Suppliers in India

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Solar Glass Exporter

In Oct-Dec 2015, the total value of exports of Solar Glass from India to foreign countries was US $ 914.1 Thousand an increase of 914,076 percent from Oct-Dec 2014 with export quantity of 81 units.

The Major Buyers of Solar Glass from India were Spain where India Exported US $ 456.9 Thousand worth of Solar Glass in Oct-Dec 2015 Also,India’s exports to Italy reached US $ 240.3 Thousand worth of Solar Glass goods and Solar Glass Exports to Slovenia had a value that was US $ 96.1 Thousand worth of Solar Glass goods from India.

From Oct 2015 till date, Spain is the largest buyer of Solar Glass accounting for exports from India worth US $ 456.9 Thousand followed by Italy where India have Exported Solar Glass worth US $ 240.3 Thousand.

There are 1 Exporters that have the maximum shares of Solar Glass Exports in terms of value in the year 2004, Namely R.l.khanna (gurgaon) with an Export value of US $ 111.0 and Powerband Industries Private Limited with an Export value of US $ 74.0 Thousand.

Major Solar Glass Buyer Countries -Oct to Dec-2015

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Latest Solar Glass Export from India

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
26-12-2015 70071900 SOLAR GLASS TEMPERED THK 4.00MMLEN 1654.00MM WID 984.00MM PCS 80NO OF CRATES 18 Jnpt SPAIN Valencia 21.77 MTS
26-12-2015 70071900 SOLAR GLASS TEMPERED THK 4.00MMLEN 1654.00MM WID 984.00MM PCS 80NO OF CRATES 18 Jnpt SPAIN Valencia 21.77 MTS
26-12-2015 70071900 SOLAR GLASS TEMPERED THK 4.00MMLEN 1654.00MM WID 984.00MM PCS 80NO OF CRATES 18 Jnpt SPAIN Valencia 21.77 MTS
26-12-2015 70071900 SOLAR GLASS TEMPERED THK 4.00MMLEN 1654.00MM WID 984.00MM PCS 80NO OF CRATES 18 Jnpt SPAIN Valencia 21.77 MTS
26-12-2015 70071900 SOLAR GLASS TEMPERED THK 4.00MMLEN 1654.00MM WID 984.00MM PCS 80NO OF CRATES 18 Jnpt SPAIN Valencia 21.77 MTS
26-12-2015 70071900 SOLAR GLASS TEMPERED THK 3.20MMLEN 1910.00MM WID 1215.00MMPCS 75 NO OF CRATES 8 Jnpt GREECE Piraeus 10.93 MTS
26-12-2015 70071900 SOLAR GLASS TEMPERED THK 3.20MMLEN 1960.00MM WID 1000.00MMPCS 100 NO OF CRATES 4 Jnpt GREECE Piraeus 6.15 MTS
26-12-2015 70071900 SOLAR GLASS TEMPERED THK 4.00MM LEN1980.00MM WID 980.00MM PCS 70 NO OF CRT3"1 PLT THK3.2MM LEN300MM WID30MM PCS3" Jnpt GREECE Piraeus 3.79 MTS
26-12-2015 70071900 SOLAR GLASS TEMPERED THK 3.20MMLEN 1194.00MM WID 533MM PCS 200NO OF CRATES 21 Jnpt SPAIN Algeciras 20.98 MTS
26-12-2015 70071900 SOLAR GLASS TEMPERED THK 3.20MMLEN 1650.00MM WID 980MM PCS 100NO OF CRATES 2 Jnpt SPAIN Algeciras 2.54 MTS

India Solar Glass Exporters Sample Data

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
02-12-2004 02109900 SOLAR GLASS Bombay Air UGANDA Entebbe 25.0 PCS