Vane Pump Exporters and Suppliers in India

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Vane Pump Exporter

In Oct-Dec 2015, the total value of exports of Vane Pump from India to foreign countries was US $ 979.0 Thousand an increase of 978,979 percent from Oct-Dec 2014 with export quantity of 427 units.

The Major Buyers of Vane Pump from India were United States Of America where India Exported US $ 315.2 Thousand worth of Vane Pump in Oct-Dec 2015 Also,India’s exports to Canada reached US $ 167.6 Thousand worth of Vane Pump goods and Vane Pump Exports to Italy had a value that was US $ 116.5 Thousand worth of Vane Pump goods from India.

From Oct 2015 till date, United States Of America is the largest buyer of Vane Pump accounting for exports from India worth US $ 315.2 Thousand followed by Canada where India have Exported Vane Pump worth US $ 167.6 Thousand.

There are 2 Exporters that have the maximum shares of Vane Pump Exports in terms of value in the year 2004, Namely R.l.khanna (gurgaon) with an Export value of US $ 53.7 Thousand and Daniel & Sons with an Export value of US $ 5.4 Thousand.

Major Vane Pump Buyer Countries -Oct to Dec-2015

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Latest Vane Pump Export from India

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
30-12-2015 84139190 VANE PUMP SPARE - VCART & PLATE ASS'Y 062 (CW)-T6E/T6ER - ITEM CODE : VS24-10181 Hyderabad Icd NETHERLANDS Rotterdam 4 NOS
30-12-2015 84139190 VANE PUMP SPARE - VSHAFT & BEARING ASS'Y(CODE-1)-T6ER/T6ERM - ITEM CODE : VS24-26339 Hyderabad Icd NETHERLANDS Rotterdam 2 NOS
30-12-2015 84139190 VANE PUMP SPARE - VSEAL KIT (S1-0.7 BAR)- T6ER/T6ERM - ITEM CODE : VS24-26381 Hyderabad Icd NETHERLANDS Rotterdam 3 NOS
30-12-2015 84139190 VANE PUMP SPARE - VSEAL KIT (S1-0.7 BAR)SHAFTS-2-R-X-W-V-T6CC - ITEM CODE : VS14-97724 Hyderabad Icd NETHERLANDS Rotterdam 5 NOS
30-12-2015 84139190 VANE PUMP SPARE - VSHAFT&BEARING ASS'Y(CODE-V)-T6CCMW/T6CCZ - ITEM CODE : VS24-51604 Hyderabad Icd NETHERLANDS Rotterdam 2 NOS
30-12-2015 84139190 VANE PUMP SPARE - VSHAFT SEAL(S1=0.7BAR)-T6E/EM/EP/EC/DCC - ITEM CODE : V620-82064-SP Hyderabad Icd NETHERLANDS Rotterdam 5 NOS
30-12-2015 84139190 VANE PUMP SPARE - VSHAFT SEAL VITON S5=7 BAR-T7B/T7BS - ITEM CODE : V620-82046-5-SP Hyderabad Icd NETHERLANDS Rotterdam 2 NOS
30-12-2015 84139190 VANE PUMP SPARE- VCART&PLATE ASS'YB22 (CW) P2-T6DCC/T67DCC - ITEM CODE : VS24-25982 Hyderabad Icd NETHERLANDS Rotterdam 2 NOS
30-12-2015 84139190 VANE PUMP SPARE- VCART&PLATE ASS'Y B22(CW)-T6C/CSH-BI-DIR - ITEM CODE : VS14-97618 Hyderabad Icd NETHERLANDS Rotterdam 2 NOS
30-12-2015 84139190 VANE PUMP SPARE- VSEAL KIT(S1-0.7 BAR)SHAFTS1-3-5-T6CC/CCM - ITEM CODE : VS24-10352 Hyderabad Icd NETHERLANDS Rotterdam 8 NOS

India Vane Pump Exporters Sample Data

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
07-06-2004 84021990 SPARES FOR HYDRAULIC VANE PUMP (10 PCS) Bombay Air CANADA Toronto 1.0 LOT

Date HS Code Product Exported India Port Foreign Country Foreign Port Quantity Unit
16-02-2004 84779000 SPARES PARTS VANE PUMP CODE T6ED 072 050 3R 00C1 Bombay Air KENYA Nairobi 1.0 NOS
24-02-2004 84779000 SPARE PARTS : VANE PUMP CODE T6ED-072-05 0-3R-OOC1 Bombay Air KENYA Nairobi 1.0 NOS
03-03-2004 84779000 SPARE PARTS VANE PUMP CODE T6ED 072 050 3R O0C1 Bombay Air KENYA Nairobi 1.0 NOS